We are learning all about opposites this week! We have been reading some fun books that introduce the concept of opposites. Be sure and ask your child about the "opposites" they have learned.
The kids created some beautiful Black/White pictures that are now decorating the classroom. They look like professional abstract designs! Come and take a look!
We had a BLAST today! We made our Valentine Mailbox Hearts, sang and danced in a circle to a special Valentine's Day song, and celebrated a birthday with friends! We also had a tiny bit of sugar...
This week we had a birthday party with Super Movers!!! The kids had a great time with superhero "Flash" who showed them how to balance over lava, jump into the safety rings of a lava pit, and climb over the rocks. He also taught them how to use a Light Saber to save the day! Flash explained how to "power up" and "power down" while listening for directions. The kids played together and helped each other out during a game. Thanks Flash for the visit!!!!
This week we learned about the letter M! We used Handwriting Without Tears to make our uppercase M's. We also made Macaroni M's, and practiced writing on the magnetic board. We talked about Monkey's this week and read some fun books! One favorite book was "A Monkey Among Us." We created monkey scenes, whipped up a batch of Monkey Mix and had fun with flannel-board stories, "Five Little Monkey's" and "Ten Little Monkey's."
We made Monkey Mix on Thursday. Instead of raisins we used mangoes, bananas, and chocolate chips to make the monkeys really happy! Here's the basic recipe plus a Monkey Milkshake recipe: