Friday, April 27, 2012

Rainbows, Rainbows!

For the week of April 23rd the letter of the week was "R". The kids in both classrooms did lots of fun activities involving rainbows! The kids made rainbows out of watercolors, fruit-loops, paper-chains and cotton balls. It was a colorful week!

There were books about rainbows...
And colorful activities in the 2-3 year classroom that we used to review colors in English and Spanish and count up to 30!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Queen's and King's for the Day

In learning about the letter "Q" we had a few royal quests at the school for the day! 

Sipder-Man's Big Day! Happy Birthday!

The kids got to help their friend celebrate his 5th birthday at the school this month. Everyone enjoyed themselves a lot. There was a Spider-man Pinata as well as cake and ICE CREAM! It was so much fun.

Earth Day Activities

Earth Day is April 22nd.  To help celebrate our planet and increase awareness about "being green" students in both classrooms have been participating in activities focused on the three R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).


Students have participated in open discussions about what it means to "be green" and what types of things can be recycled. 

We made painted our planet, Earth and danced ourselves silly to "It's a small world after-all!"

Check out the activities going on at Balboa Park at

The Earth Day activities continued this week in the 2-3 year classroom. The kids got to make little green houses of their own to watch seeds germinate and grow.